2025 Executive Course Calendar

ESAMI-trapca offers scheduled and tailored executive short courses in international trade policy, trade law, trade and climate, digital trade, arbitration, and trade facilitation, covering all aspects from negotiations to implementation to post-implementation capacity enhancement. The training is delivered by acclaimed local and adjunct faculty members, lauded global senior experts, and academics.

ESAMI-trapca has strong linkages and partnerships with governments, state actors, non-state actors, development partners, and donors. To maintain these relationships, the institute has collaborated on several programs and initiatives to build capacity and advise state offices and other stakeholders on negotiations, implementation of trade and trade-related agreements, and enforcement of international trade commitments.

As the premier African-based intergovernmental institution with a specific focus on building capacity and expertise, ESAMI-trapca enhances African countries’ trade agreements negotiations dexterity, domestication proficiency, and advocacy for the creation of requisite regulatory, implementation, and policy evaluation frameworks


For more information, contact us through our regional offices;

Trade Policy Training Centre in Africa (ESAMI-trapca) ESAMI Hill, ESAMI Road
P.O. Box 3030, Arusha, Tanzania
+255 2722970077/737063640
+255 27 297 0065/8/9
+255 27 2970066
Website: www.ESAMI-trapca .org
ESAMI Headquarters PO Box 3030 ARUSHA, TANZANIA
Tel: +255 27 297 00 65/8/9
+255 27 297 00 70/1/2/3
Fax: +255 27 297 00 66
Email: esamicommunication@esami-africa.org  Website: www.esami-africa.org
Country Coordinator ESAMI
NIC Investment House 3rd Floor PO  Box   22290 DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIA
Tel: +255 22 211 2670, +255 22 213 5046 Mobile:  +255713327728 Fax: +255 22 211 3686
Email: esami@raha.com/ esamidar@esami-africa.org
Country Coordinator ESAMI
ESAMI Centre Plot 52 Bombo Road PO Box 824 KAMPALA, UGANDA
Tel: +256 41 4254 222, +256 41 434 3397 Fax: +256 41 4232 168
Email:esamiug@africaonline.co.ug  esamiuganda@esami-africa.org
Coutry Coordinator ESAMI
International House 4th Floor Mama Ngina Street PO Box 56628-00200 NAIROBI,
Tel: +254 20 224 1770, +254 20 222 8233 Telefax: +254 20 224 8814
Email: esami@esami.or.ke / esamikenya@esami-africa.org
Country Coordinator ESAMI
Superannuation House 2nd Floor Ben  Bella   Road PO Box 32132 LUSAKA,
ZAMBIA Tel: +260 211 222 937 Telefax: +260 211 222 968
Email: administration@esamilus.co   administration@esamilus.co.zm  esamizambia@esami-africa.org
Country Coordinator ESAMI
Development House 1st Floor City Centre PO Box 31127 LILONGWE 3, MALAWI
Tel: +265 1 774 423, +265 1 770 253
+ 265 1 775 385
Telefax: +265 1 770 957 Email: esamimw@malawi.net
Country Coordinator ESAMI
No. 6 Bantry Road, Alexandra Park, PO Box 2627
Tel: +263 4 292 6672/3
+263 4 2917274/+263 4 744 364/935
Telefax: +263 4 745607.
Email: esamihre@africaonline.co.zw  esamizimbabwe@esami-africa.org
Country Coordinator ESAMI
Avenida Julius Nyerere No. 657  2  andar PO Box 2077 MAPUTO, MOZAMBIQUE  Tel: +258 21 487 375
Telefax: +258 21 487 375
Email: esami@tvcabo.co.mz
Country Coordinator ESAMI
Lilunga House 3rd Floor Somhololo Road PO Box 4234 MBABANE, ESWATINI  Tel: +268 40 48 494
Telefax: +268 40 48 495 Email: esamimba@realnet.co.sz
Country Coordinator ESAMI
Corner Nelson Mandela/ Sam Najoma Drive Hidas Centre
1st Floor PO Box 1836 WINDHOEK, 9000, NAMIBIA
Tel: +264 61 236 965/6 Telefax: +264 61 249 822
Email: esamiwhk@mweb.com.na  esamiwindhoek@esami-africa.org
Country Coordinator Seychelles Institute of Management (SIM) PO Box 1678 Ma Joire
MAHE SEYCHELLES Tel: +248 443 2241 Fax: +248 443 2422
Email: simsey@sim.sc